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For Schools 2025-02-27T00:41:09+00:00

For Schools

Achieve values our partnerships with local school districts. We have partnered with 13 King and Pierce County school districts since 2010 to provide inclusive postsecondary transition services to over 300 young adults.

Achieve can only accept 55 students per year. The Achieve application deadline for 25-26 has past, however late applications and late referrals will be considered after those turned in prior to the deadline. 

Cost to District

Cost and Referral

Achieve charges districts a flat rate per student, per quarter. This rate covers tuition, on campus support, communication with the district and a link to our employment services. The rate for 2024-25 is $4,000/student/quarter or $12,000 per academic year. Achieve typically serves students over summer quarter in year one. We do not charge districts for this service.

How to Refer Students to Achieve

We ask districts to submit a referral for each student they plan to support in the program. In other words, submitting a referral indicates a district’s commitment to fund a student for the specified program.

Please note: referral does not guarantee acceptance. Achieve can only accept 50 students each year.


Achieve Information Sessions

We encourage students and families to attend an Achieve information session. Achieve welcomes district specific information sessions. We can host your students and families for information sessions and tours. Email achieve@highline.edu or call 206.592-3526 to schedule a personal information session. Your students and families are also welcome to attend our general information sessions.

Important Dates for School Districts



November – January Achieve Information Sessions
February 14th School district referral form due for both returning and newly referred students. Referral indicates the district’s commitment to funding the referred student.
February 14th Achieve student application and documentation due for newly referred students.
February 18th – April 15th Students may be called for an admissions interview.
April 15th Students and districts are notified of acceptance or referral.
April-June Interlocal agreements drafted, signed and executed. Interlocal agreements must be finalized by September 1 to guarantee enrollment for accepted, referred students. Districts partner with Achieve staff to support students in completing HC admissions process. District works with students and their families to begin planning transportation.
July New students participating in School-to-Work complete an initial planning meeting (person centered plan) with Achieve and district staff (if possible).
September Each (non School-to-Work) student completes an initial planning meeting (person centered plan) with Achieve and district staff.
September 8-11 Required orientation for new 2025-26 Achieve students.
September 22 Fall quarter begins.

If you have any questions, please contact us at achieve@highline.edu or 206.592.3526.